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Thursday, May 7, 2009


By: Elaine Ingis

Dear Friends:

When was the last time you looked in a mirror and thought “who is this person”? And if you are brave enough to recognize yourself 40 years older with a few (I am being kind) grey hairs and a physique that is specific to a life well lived, well, then you might make the most profound of statements –“How the f--k (censored for those under the age of 60 that just had to take a peak at our site) did I get here?” or another profundity “This was not a part of the plan!”

NO! Being 60+, during one of the most difficult economic times in our lives, being downsized, overruled, underestimated and simply overlooked is just not the way it should be – not the way it was planned to be. After all we are the Woodstock Generation - we make the rules, our experience should be invaluable.

I don’t mean to sound like spoiled grapes (never could figure out how spoiled grapes sound) but this isn’t fair. We haven’t lost our sense of self; we know exactly who we are. If it is true that we learn from our mistakes than I personally think that I finally got it – many times over.

“I had a dream… I had a life so different from the life I’m living” – Those words were sung by the now legendary Susan Boyle. One of the most unlikely people to perform on the British version of American Idol. Susan’s appearance is a bit off, her age is way off, her fashion sense is not a concern for Susan because she obviously doesn’t care – she simply has a gift. This gift does not come in society’s preconceived package. In fact when she gets ready to perform, you have to hold back the giggles but when she opens her mouth and these angelic lyrics come from her, you feel humble, ashamed at your cynicism; you feel kinder, more hopeful and buoyant about yourself and the world – she truly is amazing. When she is critiqued by the judges, one being Simon Cowell, the compliments bring tears of humility to her eyes... Since I’ve never met Susan, I can only imagine that, with this great disparity between appearance and the entertainment world she hopes to engage, her life has not been easy. The courage it took for her to stand up and be heard –still amazes me. So Boomers take note, Susan, at the age of 48, isn’t even a Boomer, never had the experiences we share, the sense of community we enjoy, an entire generation named for us, but Susan is a boomer in the best sense. With her courage, strength of conviction, positive self awareness, I vote we nominate Susan Boyle as our talisman. –You must watch her performance on YouTube.

So the moral, there always is a moral, is don’t let superficial appearances or other people’s perception of who we are and what we should be doing make a bit of difference – We don’t give a hoot – why should we? Subconsciously “they” all want to be us. To all of the non-boomers out there – eat your hearts out.



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