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Monday, August 3, 2009

Sex After 50: Fire Sale or Barn Burner?

Happy End of Summer - N O T! I can't think of anything better to make you smile on a rainy day (or just about any day you simply want to smile) than hearing from our Boomer Extraordinaire

and hearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs Stuart.

-by Stu Aion
. . . and the wagging "tale" continues...

Sex After 50: Fire Sale or Barn Burner?

Sex is such a "hot" topic and one I could ponder on ad nauseum. When my son at 13 asked me "Do I think about girls all the time?" and I answered "every minute" and he said "oh good...I thought it was just me", I realized what a driving force sex is: The need for, the lack of, the variety of, the fantasy of, the good, the bad...and unfortunately sometimes the ugly. I can't speak for the women of the world but having grown up with sisters and enjoyed the friendship, camaraderie and closeness of many women, I have come to realize that sex is just as vital to them. The difference being: men are more than happy to discuss it with anyone at anytime.

The constant, as I see it, is that sex is really all about the mental (mind) and the physical (body) will follow! When you are in your 20s, 30s, and 40s...it has more to do with the body...it has a mind of its own. Snow White used to give me erotic dreams...and what the hell was she doing with all those dwarfs (and why do you think Happy is so darn happy). When you get older, the mental plays a much bigger part. You need to have that cerebral spark to light an ember in your member.

Consider the fact that older woman still have needs but less need to play head games; PLEASURE is the endgame. Most of the games have been won, lost or tied (that costs extra) years before. Younger men tend to perform like it's a race without taking the time to enjoy the countryside. Although the road is more traveled at an older age...the scenery can truly be beautiful, appreciated and cultivated...because the ground is more seasoned and thankfully less fertile. ;-)

I understand that performance anxiety can rear its ugly head (or not…ha) at any age but when you are older you have physiological issues to deal with on top of the mental. There are performance enhancers and ED medication available to provide you with a safety net; and that doesn't ake you a bad person. Peace of mind is a terrific turn on and once you take the fear factor away you can just go on “cruise control”. With or without “enhancers”, relaxation and the joy of being invited to the party (BYOB) is enough to start the party.

Let me leave with a few comforting thoughts…


What you used to do all night…doesn’t necessarily have to take you all night to do…but what’s the hurry? ;-)

Find someone that you are truly comfortable with and just enjoy every minute…there is no race…no fire (only from within)…and certainly no time limit.

Sex is still a gift and the unwrapping is in many cases…the best part.

…and for those of you who had erector sets as a child: erect it and they will “come”.

Stu Dawg


Stu: very few things leave me at a loss for words, or better yet, makes me blush. It's a good thing my kids are too young to subscribe. They have no idea . . . silly kids. Without giving too much of me away I will simply say - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... life is good.


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