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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SIMPLY BEING FRANK - Getting The Most Out of Your Time and Your Life

Getting The Most Out Of Your Time and Your Life


There are several anecdotes, i.e., Early to Bed Early to Rise Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy, And Wise. Not sure about the wealthy, but the healthy & wise part I can attest to.. You would be pleasantly surprised by how the situations & issues currently confronting you can be seen more clearly in the AM, by yourself, with a cup of coffee. Now, when I say early, for me it means before sunrise. I thought I was truly a genius to finally discover what works, so you can imagine my surprise when my formula was met with snide comments and eye rolls (how does one do that anyhow?) Please note that I thoroughly understand the counter part of an early riser -- an early go to bedder. (is that a word?. . is now!) Which leads me to my next anecdote: The Early Bird Catches the Worm . . . (bet you understand now).The amount of business contacts you can make in the early AM will astound you. Seems that some extremely successful business people are also early risers!


Now that you understand your “office hours” it is easier than you think to continue being productive while still having plenty of time to fit in 18 holes on the golf course. You simply have to take your business experiences and put them to work for you. If you were in sales; find a product you can sell from home. If you were in management; do consulting. etc. etc.

It really is as simple as it sounds. No need to stop and think about it – no hidden message to be found.

However there may be a lifestyle change involved – You Need To Become A Techy Nerd. Computers, Internet, Fax Machines, Scanners, Printers, iPhones, Blackberry's, Face Book, Twitter, Etc. Etc. You could be on a mountain in Utah and still run a business (which is where I am off to – closing a big deal on top of a big mountain).

Couple the BEDTIME STORY with HOW TO BE SEMI-RETIRED AND STILL RUN A BUSINESS and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish and still have the time to do whatever, whenever you want to do it.

By the way, my wife tells me there is a down side to going to bed early… but that’s a whole other story...


Editor's Note: Time is so precious. The more of it we spend, the less of it we have left... and to further complicate the issue, every Boomer has witnessed enough of the tenuous nature of life (with friends in life transitions, or becoming ill, or dying too damned young) to know that precisely how much time we have left is uncertain, and unknowable. Every second of time spent is either an investment or an irretrievable waste.

Each of us is an adult, responsible for his or her own time. This is a great responsibility. What we accumulate through our investment of time is our portfolio -- a portfolio comprised of friends, lovers*, business associates and unforgettable experiences. Each of us, as Human Beings first, and as Boomers second, has a sacred duty to to himself or herself to get the most out of time and the most out of life.

SrMeetUp! was designed to be a vehicle for getting the most out of your time and the most out of your life. Life has so much to offer! Waiting for life to come visit you is not an option -- we must run after life (often like that school bus that you just missed while you were having that second glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast or waiting for your Sugar-Cinnamon PopUp to cool off after its fragrant emergence from the toaster), embrace it, and squeeze it for all it's worth. Turn it upside-down, shake it, and see what falls out of its deep pockets.

If you are a Boomer, we offer you a whole bunch of great things under one roof. Join us, and enrich your life's experience. As they say on television, "You got people!"

--Elaine Ingis and Douglas Castle

*By the way, Frank..."Early to bed" is NOT always wise. Your wife has a valid point. Every so often, there's something (or someone) worth staying up for.

Labels and key terms: differentiating yourself, Elaine Ingis, Getting The Most Out of Your Day, your life is an investment, SIMPLY BEING FRANK, SrMeetUp! Featured Columnists, Time is an investment, Time is Money, Douglas Castle, Finding Love, experience, retirement, opportunities, making each moment count, finding happiness, business and pleasure, Boomers, recreation, lifestyles...

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